January 5, 2018 · 0 Comments
AS YOU MIGHT HAVE SEEN elsewhere in this week’s paper, a public meeting to discuss the proposed Greenwood gravel pit at Violet Hill has had to be postponed a second time, thanks to our recent sub-Arctic cold and the accompanying blowing snow.
So it won’t be until at least Tuesday night, January 16, that area residents will have a chance to respond to the proposal.
Our suspicion is that few, if any, of the residents present will come out in favour of seeing yet another huge aggregate operation scarring a Dufferin landscape.
Mono’s Planning and Environmental Advisory Committee will be able to hear the comments and report back to Town Council, but it’s likely that little will result from the process.
Ultimately, the final decision on the pit and routes the huge trucks will take will likely rest with whatever government is in office after next June’s provincial election.
Assuming that Greenwood will get a go-ahead, our preference would be to have all future such pits excavated transparently (without berms) and returned to agricultural or residential use within a mandated time frame.