March 2, 2017 · 0 Comments
By Tom Claridge
WE’VE A SUGGESTION for David Tilson. This being the 150th birthday of Confederation, and Canada Day this year falling on a Saturday, why not sponsor a resolution or private member’s bill making the first four days of July a Canada-U.S. joint celebration?
For one thing, the idea might be welcomed even by The Donald, who claims to have good feelings for his northern neighbour (if only we’d boost our contributions to NATO) and likely doesn’t know much about our own ‘fake news’ media.
As matters stand, both Canadians and Americans will have the day off on Monday, July 3, since most of us don’t work Saturdays and Americans are in the habit of converting Tuesday holidays into long weekends.
However, designating July 1-4 as a special celebration period in Canada would likely bring us a lot of tourists and might even produce some publicity south of the border.