December 6, 2018 · 0 Comments
By Constance Scrafield
“My husband gave me the choice – have a third child or my own clinic – I took the clinic. The big thing was, he knew I always wanted my own clinic.”
So says Dr. Carly Butterworth, who has just opened her new Chiropractic Clinic in the strip mall on the west end of Orangeville on Broadway at C Line.
To arrive at this auspicious moment in her life was an eventful journey. “Five years ago, 2013, I attended the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College (CMCC) in Toronto.
“I was going to be a doctor. So, I did my undergrad microbiology in B.C. Then I was going to go on for MD.”
She changed her mind, for an interesting reason.
“At school, I played rugby and one day, I blew my knee out. The doctors were pessimistic about my recovery. They said I’d have to take medication for years and I’d never play rugby again. They said they could do surgery, but even after that, there’s restriction. So, I wasn’t interested in that.”
She continued her life-altering tale, “I went to a chiropractor. He change my posture; he straightened my posture and sorted out my knee, and I went on cycling and doing a triathlon. I ended up cycling 25 kilometres a day in my last year of schooling.”
She went to Europe where, she related, “I cycled from Amsterdam to Basel, Switzerland, along the Rhine River, with a side trip in to Paris to see the end of the Tour de France. Then, we cycled back to Germany. We went to Luxembourg; so many differences in such short distances. I made the mistake of bringing a road bike.” She laughed at the memory of “the number of tires I replaced. I should have had a mixed bike, trail and road. That was my last hurrah before I went back to chiropractic school. Four years in school and I met my husband, Eldon, in the second year of college. From school, I went right into work. I practised in Toronto for just over a year.”
She and Eldon had a son, “when we found out that we were pregnant, which was a surprise. We’d been together for six or seven years. We have two sons now, four years and one and a half.
“We decided to come to Orangeville – we wanted to have a back yard and we didn’t have a million dollars. We didn’t want to raise our kids in the city.”
They found Orangeville as have so many others. “We visited Orangeville going to the cottage and we just fell in love with this little town. The downtown is still so pretty. I did a nine months maternity leave. I was working for Sommerville Chiropractic for a couple of years.”
Now, her husband had made the suggestion of her opening her own clinic, she was eager to do so.
Said Dr. Carly, as her staff refer to her, “I have a massage therapist, Vicky Oliver. She actually came from Shelburne, a medical clinic there but she wanted to come back into town, maybe, go back to Sommerville. Then she thought she wanted to rent a room from me. It was perfect. She’s a great massage therapist. We’re all females here, the front desk – Susan and Carol. They were previously at Sommerville. They wanted to go on this adventure with me. They said, ‘Success is always closer when you know your tribe.’
We’re really comfortable here. There’s no pressure, no stress. Everyone is so welcomed.”
Of her background, “I was born in Kitchener. I grew up there. I have two brothers. My mother died when I was 10; it was very sudden. She had something with her heart, a virus. It was unexpected. I grew up with two brothers and dad. One of my brothers played rugby, the other was a swimmer – I just copied them – they were both absolute jocks.”
Her husband is a computer software engineer. “I think my husband mellows me out. It’s funny because he’s actually South American. We met online but, later, he told me, “I’m South American but my roots are German and my father was Canadian”
Talking about chiropractic methods, “We actually get to the cause of the problem and then we deal with it and then take care of it. Usually, extended health care product covers most of it. “
She was very enthusiastic about her clinic’s beginning, “It’s been a fantastic first month. Most of my patients came with me which is great. I have a few that are pregnant and those babies are in my clinic.
Thinking in terms of her business growing, she commented, “Probably in 2019, I’ll take on a new chiropractor, a graduate, as an associate. We’re so close to the college here. There are only two chiropractic colleges in Canada – the other one is in Quebec.
“I bet we have close to 20 chiropractors here in Orangeville,” she went on to say. “We all complement each other so nicely. We all have our own niche – I do more family – some do more athletes. People bounce around a little bit and then settle down.
“We all know each other. Last year Christmas we got together to have dinner. We speak well of each other. We all have a common goal – making people better. You couldn’t hope for a better group of people to do this.”
She talked about the issues, “I think the body is complex. Pain is the last to show up and the first to go. It’s a like a weed – you can cut the top of the weed but the root will still grow another weed. But we get to the root of the problem before it becomes a problem. You can’t medicate yourself out of a problem you worked yourself into.
“I’m a huge believer in maintenance. If you don’t maintain the things we’ve done for you, in all honesty, it is a lot cheaper to keep you in good condition, than for me to keep dealing with renewed problems. Once a month come and see me – that’s a lot better than fixing the problem after it flares.”
Should everyone come to see a chiropractor, even if they think they are fine?
“How you feel is independent of how you function. I think everybody can definitely benefit from visiting a chiropractor. If we think you don’t need a chiropractor, we’ll say so. In today’s world we do a lot a repetitive work; we don’t eat good nutrition. Our rest is never good enough.”
About her new clinic, “I’ve been truly blessed. I really connect with my patients I could not be happier with how we’re starting this new business.”
The clinic’s telephone number is 519-940-9888.