October 19, 2016 · 0 Comments
October is Child Abuse Prevention Month and members of Dufferin Children and Family Services (DCAFS) are wearing purple and putting flags on their front lawn office at 655 Riddell Road, to raise awareness of child abuse and the importance of working together to keep children safe.
The flags represent children and youth in Dufferin County who have received help from Child Protection.
The flag acts as a reminder for everyone to speak up for kids.
According to the DCAFS website, their vision is to have “strong and resilient children adults and families supported within a safe and welcoming community.”
In a news release to the Citizen, Kimberley Evans, Director of Service, Child Protection, says Child Abuse Prevention Month is a time to reflect further what one can do to help keep children and youth safe.
“No matter who we are, what we do or where we live, we have a responsibility to help. It’s not only the law in Ontario; it’s the right thing to do. Your call could be the most important call in a child’s life.”
Support for children, youth and families is available through a variety of programs at DCAFS, including their Child Protection Service.
DCAFS encourages anyone who sees a family in need of their children’s safety by contacting them at 519-941-1530, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
For additional information, visit www.dcafs.on.ca, as well as www.children.gov.on.ca.