September 14, 2018 · 0 Comments
The Orangeville & Area Small Business Enterprise Centre (SBEC) offers many services to local entrepreneurs including assistance with business registrations, one-to-one consultations, and business planning guidance. The SBEC also hosts business workshops and events facilitated by local experts who provide advice on a wide range of topics. This fall’s schedule of business workshops includes:
Discover Ability – September 17,
11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m.
The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act outlines requirements for all businesses and not-for-profit organizations across Ontario. This workshop will explain how the AODA applies to your business and outline the resources available to help you meet the required standards. Participants will learn about developing an accessibility plan and discuss the advantages of hiring an inclusive workforce. Presented in collaboration with the Dufferin Board of Trade, the Ontario Chamber of Commerce (OCC) and the Government of Ontario. No Cost (Lunch provided)
Cash Flow Management Strategies for Small Business – September 27, 2 – 5 p.m.
Running a profitable business is important for survival, but it’s equally important to have a positive cash flow to pay expenses and to finance growth. At this seminar, led by popular business consultant Andrew Patricio of Bizlaunch, participants will learn proven cash management strategies, including causes of cash flow problems, and the importance of developing a cash flow forecast. Andrew will help participants to understand the sales cycle and offer simple suggestions to ease cash crunches and improve daily cash flow. Cost $15.
How to Effectively Use Corporations – October 4, 7 – 9 p.m.
Nancy Claridge, BA, MA, LLB of Carters Professional Corporation will lead this interactive workshop on how to effectively use corporations. Ms. Claridge will be joined by Lisa Johnson, CPA, CA, from BDO Canada to provide guidance on topics that include advantages and disadvantages of incorporating, when and how to incorporate, the process of incorporation, costs associated with incorporation, and how to effectively use a corporate structure to the business’s advantage. Cost $15.
Website Building Basics – October 16,
9 a.m. – noon
A website may be one of the most important marketing tools for your business. Jess White and Julie Thurgood of Green Monkey Creative will share the considerations and requirements involved with building an effective website. This workshop will guide you through the complete development process. Discover how to define your website’s objectives, choose the right platform, and create great content. You will learn how to decipher technical terms, choose domain names, and make sure your website appears in the right places. If developing your website seems like a daunting challenge, this workshop will help get you started. Note: this session will be held at the Mel Lloyd Centre, Shelburne. Cost $15
Financials for Non-Financial Small Business Owners – October 29, 2 – 5 p.m.
Understanding your company’s financial statements is fundamental for business success, but often business owners find themselves baffled by income statements, balance sheets and cash flow forecasts. Andrew Patricio, owner of Bizlaunch, will teach participants how to create and analyze the financial statements and forecasts that every business needs for proper management. Andrew will share tips on how to improve your business numbers and explain what ratios owners should be monitoring for business success. Cost $15.
2018 Economic Outlook Breakfast and Business Resource Expo – November 6, 7:30 – 9:30 a.m.
In partnership with TD Bank Group, the Town of Orangeville hosts its annual networking breakfast featuring a keynote address by James Marple, Director and Senior Economist at TD. James will provide an analysis of the Canadian economy and financial markets and offer insights on economic and financial developments pertinent to the local economy. Programs and incentives available to business owners will be also discussed by a panel of experts and showcased at a Business Resource Expo. Cost $25.
Legal Issues in Social Media –
November 22, 7 – 9 p.m.
Terrance Carter of Carters Professional Corporation will provide a legal perspective on social media in business and the workplace. Canadians are among the world’s most prolific social media users and there has been a phenomenal increase in the use of social media platforms including Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter. What are the legal implications associated with this online activity? This workshop will help small business owners understand legal issues regarding social media use and explain how to mitigate risk. Cost $15
To register for these business events, visit www.orangevillebusiness.ca. For more information about small business services, contact the SBEC at 519-941-0440 Ext. 2286 or email sbec@orangeville.ca.
Ellen Sinclair is the Co-ordinator of the Orangeville & Area Small Business Enterprise Centre. She can be reached at esinclair@orangeville.ca or 519-941-0440 Ext. 2270. To sign up for notifications of SBEC programs and events visit www.orangevillebusiness.ca/subscribe.