May 25, 2018 · 0 Comments
IT WAS 10 YEARS AGO that Dufferin County’s Public Works department did something the ‘experts’ said wasn’t necessary. They installed traffic signals at two intersections where traffic levels apparently weren’t sufficient to justify them.
Part of the reason was that there had been a fatality at one of the intersections – the Masonville corner on former Highway 24, where what’s now County 124 is crossed by Dufferin Road 17.
The other set of signals went it at what used to be the junction of two provincial highways, 9 and 25, both of which were downloaded by the Mike Harris government in the 1990s.
For some reason, few installations have been taking place since then, one exception being on County 124 at its intersection with Wansbrough Drive.
We think it’s time for a serious look at the need for lights at the intersection of Hockley Road and Airport Road.
Although traffic counts might not confirm the need on a year-round basis, the speeds on Airport Rd. and the traffic volumes on weekends surely show the need as much greater there than that in Mansfield, where lights were installed long ago.