December 15, 2017 · 0 Comments
By Jasen Obermeyer
Christmas is my favourite time of the year, plain and simple.
Christmas is different. To say I love Christmas is a big understatement. I can’t think of a word to describe how I feel about this holiday.
Need some proof? I’m 22 and still getting up at six in the morning, anxiously waiting for the rest of my family to get up and enjoy the day.
Come mid-November, the only music I’m listening to is Christmas, and I’m constantly playing it, whether in my car, in my house through the stereo, computer, or my iPod, it’s nothing but Christmas music.
And besides water, I live off hot chocolate.
The memories I have of Christmas are seemingly endless, and to pick my favourite one is nearly impossible, so I’ll you give a few.
I’ve been blessed to have such a wonderful family, and every year, my immediate and extended family make sure we see each other over Christmas and enjoy this special time.
When I was a kid, Christmas was great. During elementary school we’d put on Christmas plays (one year I was Joseph, but I forgot Jesus in the classroom). We’d have Christmas parties; classmates would bring in movies to watch, games to play, food to eat, we’d make ginger bread houses, sing Christmas carols, it was a wonderful time.
For high school, it wasn’t the same as elementary, but it was still a lot of fun. The last day before the break, each class had a party, with each being different from the other. Eventually some friends and I exchanged presents. The best was in Grade 11 when I got to do a Christmas play, with my dad recording it so I could watch it whenever.
With my family, Christmas as a kid was amazing, and it still is now. I remember my sister or brother waking me up, going to our basement to see our stockings by our wood stove fireplace. Then after we’d go upstairs into our living room, turn on the Christmas tree lights, with our eyes closed, go outside the room, count to three, and turn around in excitement to see the presents Santa left for us.
Of course, those couple of hours we had to wait for our parents to get up, and even the whole month, it felt like an eternity, but now, Christmas just whizzes by us.
I’ll never forget going to my dad’s work Christmas party, seeing Santa, getting my first Christmas present, and being entertained by clowns, music, and wildlife.
My family and I always watch Christmas movies together, from the Home Alone videos, to The Santa Clause, A Christmas Story, The Polar Express, and every Christmas Eve we watch National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation.
I set one night aside for myself to watch the Christmas specials Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, Frosty the Snowman, and How the Grinch Stole Christmas, with nothing but a cup of hot chocolate, and the room being lit up by the Christmas lights and the fireplace.
People say Christmas is the best when you’re a kid, and there is a ring of truth to that, but not entirely.
I’m still watching those television specials and movies with my family, we have gotten into the habit of going to Kay Cee Gardens, and most evenings, my older sister and I play cards and board games by the Christmas tree, now with an electric fire place beside it.
Christmas Day now I call some friends and family to wish them a Merry Christmas, though I have to wait a bit later for them to get up.
But the big question, is what is it that I love so much about Christmas?
Maybe it’s the snow. After all, Christmas is always better with snow. The Lights? Food?
I don’t have the answer, but sometimes the best things are those we can’t describe.
Sure it has a bit to do with everything I’ve mentioned above, but perhaps the best reason is the magic, the birth of a new year, the celebration of life itself.
I just feel different, as if it gives me strength to conquer stress and challenges I face.
As I’ve grown up, I’ve realized Christmas is not about the presents, and though we all have traditions, it’s about who you spend it with. Every year I look forward to seeing my extended family, as some of them I hardly ever see.
The meaning of Christmas was never more true than during the infamous ice/snow storm of 2013. We were without power during Christmas, had to cancel or delay family visits, but we made the best of it. Friends of ours eventually lent their generator to keep our fridge and freezers running, along with our Christmas tree lights.
I didn’t care about the presents and lights, I knew those things would still be there. I cared about not seeing some of my family, not having heat. Fortunately, some cousins had us over for Christmas dinner. That Christmas made me appreciate the things and people I have my life.
Perhaps all these things are why the Christmas spirit is still strong within me, why I still hear the bell, “for all who truly believe.”
Take time, relax, and enjoy this time, it goes by so fast.
I hope you all have a Merry Christmas, and whatever other holiday you’re celebrating, may it bring you joy and celebration!