
TD Summer Reading Club starts at library Saturday

June 23, 2016   ·   0 Comments

With summer vacation around the corner, children can learn and still have fun by joining the TD Summer Reading Club (TDSRC), beginning this Saturday, June 25 at the Orangeville Public Library.

For children 12 and under, the summer reading club is “co-created and delivered by 2,000 public libraries across Canada. It celebrates Canadian authors, illustrators and stories. It’s designed to inspire kids to explore the fun of reading their way.” The nation-wide program is sponsored by TD Bank Group, assisted with Library and Archives Canada and developed by Toronto Public Library.

The kick-off event on Saturday is between 1:00 and 3:00 p.m. at the Mill Street Library. Starting Monday, July 4, programs and activities will be offered Monday through Saturday at the Mill Street and Alder Street Library’s. Registration is open at both locations.

Lauren Tilly, the library’s program and research co-ordinator, says children come to report on books read and play reading games/challenges. “Things like reading a non-fiction book, or reading a book by this author.”

Draws for grand prizes are held when the program ends August 20.

“Things like swim passes, museum passes, mini golf passes for kids to do with their families. So every book read is a chance to win one of those prizes,” says Ms. Tilly.

Orangeville’s TDSRC members last year collectively read 4,689 books. This year, the local TDSRC members are challenged to read 5,000 books.

Ms. Tilly says children not engaged during summer lose some of what they learned in school. “The goal for us is to get them reading and keeping some of those literacy skills going.”

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