November 7, 2024 · 0 Comments
Good day Sir!
Your personal item on the Ford government “Gift” of $200.00 to help reduce the cost of the Federal Climate Tax is an affront to a thinking person’s intelligence.
As a resident of Orangeville, I have documented since April 1 the cost of gas at stations in Town and I can assure you there is no hardship from the “three cent tax.”
On the day the tax went into effect the price of gas was $1.54 and on Oct. 22, 2024 it was $1.45, and with a premium card it was $1.42, so where is the tax!
The cost of gas is regulated by the profit margins of the gas companies. And further, every tax paying citizen of Ontario gets a cheque regularly from the federal government, which more than covers the cost of the fuel tax. The $200 “gift” from Ford is a “bribe” and we should all make note it is funded by “our own provincial taxes.”
If the gift was sent out by Ford after the Writ was dropped it would be and illegal election activity.
Respectfully submitted,
Winston Uytenbogaart
*Editor’s note: The article that ran in the Orangeville Citizen’s Oct. 31 edition with the headline “Ontario government proposes $200 rebate for taxpayers to offset federal carbon tax costs,” wasn’t a personal item but rather a short article explaining the provincial government’s proposal. It’s also important to note the Parliamentary Budget Officer (PBO) corrected analysis of the carbon tax, released Oct. 10, confirmed while most Canadians are getting back more in rebates than they pay in carbon taxes, the policy will make most Canadians worse off financially. This is because the carbon tax slightly reduces Canada’s overall GDP and adds other costs to the economy. The PBO found that most households are worse off when accounting for both the direct and indirect costs of the carbon tax.