
Planning director no longer with Town

January 26, 2018   ·   0 Comments

By Mike Pickford

One of Orangeville’s highest earning public servants is no longer employed by the municipality, although the reasons behind her departure have not been released to the public.

Nancy Tuckett served as the Town’s director of economic development, planning and innovation for close to five years before vacating her position on Jan. 15. In her role, Ms. Tuckett directed and managed the activities of the Economic Development, Planning and Building divisions within the Town. Her duties included looking after all matters relating to economic development, marketing and general operation of the Small Business Enterprise Centre (SBEC), all planning and development reviews and building permit issuance.

Orangeville CAO Ed Brennan acknowledged Ms. Tuckett’s departure in a brief statement to media, thanking her for her years of service and wishing her well in the future. He would not, however, elaborate on what appears to be a fairly abrupt exit.

“We thank Ms. Tuckett for her service and wish her the best in all her future endeavours,” Mr. Brennan stated. “We respect the personal privacy of individuals and do not participate in any public discussions of employment-related matters.”

Prior to her arrival in Orangeville, Ms. Tuckett served as the economic development officer for the Town of New Tecumseth before moving on to Severn Township, where she spent a year as director of planning and development between 2012 and 2013.

Town Clerk Susan Greatrix informed the Citizen that the Town had not yet issued a posting for the position.

“As we do every time a senior position is open, we are taking the time to review the position within the overall corporate picture and determine if any changes should be made,” Ms. Greatrix said. “In the interim, the (Town’s) senior planner is handling planning matters. Managers and staff within the department, which includes planning, building and economic development, are temporarily reporting directly to the CAO.”

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