
Over 100 breeds on display at Scarborough Kennel Club show

March 19, 2020   ·   0 Comments

By Brian Lockhart

The competitors were certainly well behaved at the Scarborough Kennel Club dog show held at the Orangeville Agricultural Centre on March 13 – 15.

Over 100 breeds of canines were entered in hopes of winning the first prize in their category. 

There was everything from small Chihuahua’s and Terriers to full size Newfloundlands and Great Danes. 

Being show dogs, they are well behaved and used to being around a lot of people and other dogs.

“This is a confirmation dog show,” explained Kennel Club member and show coordinator, Steve Sellwood. “The judges are directed to form an opinion regarding the written breed standard for each breed. These are purebreds only. We have over 100 breeds of dogs here when you add it all up. There are seven groups of dogs.”

The dogs are grouped in categories such as sporting dogs and working dogs. Each breed has it’s own characteristics based on how the dogs were originally bred.

Some dogs have a higher level of energy while others are more noted for their strength.

“A judge will go through the elimination until he gets down to four dogs at a group level,” Mr. Sellwood explained. “He selects what he thinks is the best one, and down to fourth place. He’s judging to the pre-written breed standard – that includes coat, shoulders, mouth, eye colour, layback of shoulder, tail set, and movement. It’s all described in the breed standards. A judge needs a good eye and a lot of experience. The judge sees the finer points of the dog.”

Even the dog’s attitude comes into play. Many show dogs realize what it’s all about and go into the ring thinking they are top in their field.

If you’re a dog lover who comes to watch the show, you cannot bring your own dog to the show as a pet. It’s a Canadian Kennel Club rule that only show dogs are allowed. 

This rule is in place to avoid an unhealthy dogs entering the facility and spreading disease to the show dogs which are meticulously cared for by their owners and receive regular veterinary care.

Show competitors Christina and Brad Heard brought their Newfoundland breed dog to the show.

Last year, their dog, now retired, won the best overall dog in Canada.

The Newfoundland breed is a large dog with a thick fur that protects them from cold water.

“It was a good fit for our family,” Ms. Heard said of finding the right breed. “That’s the best thing about being involved with purebred dogs. If you do your research right, there is a purebred dog breed for everyone depending on your lifestyle.”

Mr. Heard said getting his dog ready for a show takes around three hours of grooming.

“He gets bathed once or twice a week. He gets bathed every Thursday because the show always start on a Friday. Newfoundlands are water dogs so they love water anyway. It’s just a part of their routine. 

“These dogs originated in Newfoundland obviously. They would help fishermen by pulling in the nets. An adult male can pull nine or ten times his body weight. They are the only breed that will instinctively save a person from drowning. The most important thing in this breed is temperament because you’ll not find a nasty one. We have a joke that if you have one, and you have a break-in, you could steal anything but the fridge because he’ll probably be lying in front of it. They’re very docile and don’t eat a lot considering their size.”

The show ran for three days at the Agricultural Centre with a constant line-up of judging in the ring.

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