March 3, 2022 · 0 Comments
By Sam Odrowski
Orangeville Town Hall is being lit blue and yellow at night in solidarity with Ukraine, which has been invaded by Russian troops.
Council unanimously approved a motion to fly the Ukrainian flag on the flagpole in front of Town Hall or somewhere within the building for the duration of the crisis, during a regular meeting on Monday (Feb. 28).
Coun. Joe Andrews, who has Ukrainian heritage in his background, commented on the tragic situation currently unfolding in the country, prior the unanimous passing of a motion to fly the flag.
“Over the last couple of days, I’ve struggled and tried to understand the reasoning for an unprovoked attack on the people of Ukraine. And watching from afar, keeping abreast of what is going on, yet I wish I could do more,” he remarked.
“I’m so pleased to see the gesture of solidarity on display at the Orangeville Town Hall.”
Coun. Andrews thanked town staff for quickly processing the request of lighting up Town Hall blue and yellow, which began on Feb. 25
“Even though this is a small visual message of support, it is one that means a lot to the Ukrainian community here in Orangeville, but also abroad,” he noted.
“I would hope that the members of our community, no matter who you are and what your heritage is, that you might be able to provide some form of support through one of the agencies vetted by the Canadian government to assist with this crisis overseas.”
Coun. Andrews said at this time, many are declaring the Russian invasion of Ukraine as one of the biggest human tragedies due to displacement of people from that country.
“Families are being separated, civilians are being killed, and in 2022 this just shouldn’t be,” he remarked.
“I know that we’re all watching with concern as to what the next step in this conflict will be. I’m encouraged what took place today [Feb, 28] is for the first several a possible discussion seeking a resolution to the war against Ukraine, yet I have hesitation to say where this path may end up.”
With additional sanctions and pressure from countries around the world, including Canada, Coun. Andrews said he hopes to see Russia realize their impact and end the war.
“And that’s what it is. It is a war on the innocent people in the neutral country of Ukraine,” he noted.
Coun. Andrews then offered a message of solidarity for those impacted by the crisis.
“To my extended family and friends and for those who are connected through our collective Ukrainian heritage. My thoughts are with you. I’m standing with you and the Town of Orangeville, Ontario, Canada is standing with you in solidarity,” he said.
Meanwhile, Shelburne is showing their support as well.
Shelburne Town Council has given its unanimous support to the Ukraine in condemning the invasion by Russian troops.
During their Council meeting on Monday (Feb. 28), Mayor Wade Mills brought forward a motion in defense of the people of Ukraine and their “freedom, independence and autonomy”.
The motion condemned the aggression from Russian military forces and called on the Canadian government to continue its efforts in opposing the aggression.
“It’s fair to say that everybody’s been horrified by what we’ve been seeing. Although any actions that we can take here as a small community may in and of themselves not be enough to change the course of that conflict, which is on the other side of the world, I do think that collectively if enough voices around the world speak up in opposition to this, that may in fact have the impact we desire and hopefully change the course, and that we see better more peaceful days ahead,” said Mills.
As part of the motion, Mills also asked for council to authorize the Ukrainian national flag be raised and flown at Town Hall.
“As a visual display of our community’s support for and solidarity with the people of Ukraine,” said Mills.
Council unanimously voted in support of the motion.
“Even though we are a small community, the more voices that raise up against these atrocities the better,” said Coun. Kyle Fegan, who seconded the motion.
The Ukrainian flag was raised at Shelburne Town Hall on Tuesday (March 1) morning and will remain for the time being.