June 2, 2016 · 0 Comments
On March 31, 2014, Orangeville’s municipal cultural plan — Orangeville’s Cultural Advantage, was officially launched.
The Municipal Cultural Plan recognizes culture as an integral part of the social and economic fabric of the community and identifies priorities and actions to enhance the arts, culture and heritage sectors and to build Orangeville’s economic strength and tourism potential.
Based on recommendations outlined in the Cultural Plan, the Town’s Arts and Culture Committee is working to establish a Summer Attraction Strategy for Orangeville. The strategy is intended to develop fresh, new programs and summer offerings that will help build Orangeville’s cultural attractions year-round.
As a first step, a survey has been developed for local and regional residents of all ages. Once completed, the survey will help to evaluate current cultural offerings and illustrate what other types of activities respondents want to see and participate in over the summer months.
With results from the survey, the Arts and Culture Committee, along with staff, will consult with key cultural stakeholders and organizations to develop a strategy of new and expanded summer programs and investigate potential sponsorship and funding revenues. Results will assist in the development of a marketing strategy geared to key tourism generators.
Tell us what you’d like to see happening in Orangeville. Complete the survey at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/summerattractionstrategy by June 30, 2016.
Cassandra Engineer is the Business, Tourism and Culture Co-ordinator at the Town of Orangeville. She can be reached at cengineer@orangeville.ca or 519-941-0440 Ext. 2258.
For more information and to register visit www.orangevillebusiness.ca/events or contact the Orangeville & Area Small Business Enterprise Centre at 519-941-0440 Ext. 2286 or email sbec@orangeville.ca.