
Orangeville RAM Rodeo pushed back to last weekend in September

May 8, 2020   ·   0 Comments

By Brian Lockhart

The popular RAM Rodeo that takes over the Orangeville Agricultural Centre every June will still go ahead, but it has been postponed and moved to the back of this season’s schedule.

The Orangeville Rodeo is usually one of the first stops for the wild bronco busting show, however due to the current situation, the event had to be postponed.

The RAM Rodeo features cowboys and cowgirls from across North and South America who participate in several events for prize money.

Events include wild bronco busting, barrel racing, and bull riding.

This year’s tour has 14 stops around southern Ontario. Events in Brooklin and Burford have been cancelled and will return in 2021.

Rodeo events bring visitors from all over to see the action action as competitors take a wild ride on a kicking horse, angry bull, or use their horsemanship skills to gallop wildly around the ring.

Several tour organizations place the Rodeo on their schedule for foreign tourists to attend as part of their Canadian visit and it has proved to be very popular as they enjoy the thrilling action.

The Rodeo is held over two days in Orangeville and also features other activities including music, a beer tent, tailgate party, and other exhibitions prior to the start of the main event.

The Orangeville Coors Pro Extreme Bull Freestyle event was also planned at the Agricultural centre and was to take place on May 9.

Rodeo organizer Ross Millar confirmed this event has been cancelled. There is currently no date planned for a rescheduled stop in Orangeville.

The RAM Rodeo tour will kick-off on July 11, 12, in Stevensville and move to several locations around the province over the summer.

The Orangeville RAM Rodeo will take place on Saturday, September 26, and Sunday, September 27, at the Orangeville Agricultural Centre.

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