
Orangeville council may expand area of possible heritage district

December 20, 2024   ·   0 Comments


Orangeville council expects more details about a plan and scope of budget to study the feasibility of the York Street area’s heritage status.

And there was a suggestion that the area should be expanded to include more nearby properties.

Council heard when it met on Dec. 16 that a more detailed consultant’s report should be available early next year on how best to undertake a Heritage Conservation District (HCD) designation for the neighbourhood.

Many York Street area residents have lobbied the town to pursue an HCD designation for their neighbourhood.

Council directed staff to retain a heritage consultant to review the York Street portion of the 2016-2018 Merchants and Prince of Whales HCD proposal to determine if the area meets the criteria and to recommend an approach toward designation.

SGL Planning and Design Inc. (SGL) and Stantec Consulting Ltd. (Stantec) evaluated the York Street neighbourhood.

Brandon Ward, the town’s planning manager, said the consultants didn’t indicate any concerns or issues regarding whether the York Street area would qualify as a candidate for designation.

“It’s been quite robust,” he said of the research done so far. “A lot of in depth research done of that area.”

Much of that past work can be used to support a new HCD study for York Street, but updates are required to reflect legislative changes. Policies and guidelines in the past study may be updated based on current policy and consultation through the designation process.

Twenty-five per cent of property structures fronting onto York Street would need to meet at least two criteria for HCD. That means seven York Street properties would have to meet the standard.

But consultants determined that individual designations may not be cost-effective because of the level of research needed for each property.

Individual designation governs change to the specific property. A district designation focuses on the character of the overall area.

Appeals against individual property designation could affect the status of the conservation district as a whole.

“Having said that, the circumstances are there to move forward,” Ward said.

He asked council’s direction toward nailing down more details and a cost framework to pursue a district designation.

Councillor Debbie Sherwood asked if it would be beneficial to include some of nearby John Street and Bythia Street in the district designation. The original study included a section of John Street from Broadway to Little York Street.

Orange Lawrence, the town’s founder, had a house at the corner of John and York streets. It’s been designated a heritage structure.

But she said there are heritage homes on the west side of John Street from Orange Lawrence’s house almost to Kay Cee Garden. Those properties abut onto York Street.

And she’d like to see a piece of Bythia Street from Broadway to Hillside Drive where there are also heritage homes.

Sherwood suggested staff look into the cost and extra work to include those additional homes in the HCD effort.

“I’m sure we can take it back and give it some more thought and include it in the workplan going forward,” Ward said. “When we get into the actual study work, we’ll be looking at that area broadly and understanding its attributes in pursuit of inclusion in the designation area or not.”

Deputy Mayor Todd Taylor said he lives on one of Orangeville’s heritage streets. Many of the people who live there want nothing to do with the designation. York Street residents have indicated their support for the designation.

“Do we know that Bythia and those other homes want something to do with it?” he said. “If they do, great. Let’s do this for them.”

But should the town pursue heritage status for an area in which the residents aren’t in favour of that designation?

“Should we give a kind of a pause here and just make sure that we are connecting with these folks and understanding what they want?” Taylor said.

Sherwood said the workplan includes public consultation.

“So they will be contacted,” she said. “We wouldn’t just pass this without any of them knowing that.”

“I just think there’s key words there,” Taylor said. “It’s knowing and wanting. Hopefully, they want and, if they want, then I’m happy to vote for it. If they don’t and it’s a majority, then I don’t know that I can do that. I think we should just find that out.”

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