July 10, 2020 · 0 Comments
By Paula Brown
Orangeville Police have arrested and charged two local men in connection to an assault and a separate stolen vehicle incident.
Orangeville Police responded to a call on Sunday (July 5) at approximately 7:55 p.m. regarding an altercation involving two men at a residence on Zina Street. One of them men was reported to have possession of a hand gun.
Police say a woman at the residence was assaulted and threatened by the men, who fled before the call to police.
Following the Zina Street incident police received a report of stolen vehicle from the parking lot of the Circle K convenience store located at 108 Dawson Road.
Police say the person had parked in front of the store and left his vehicle unlocked and running while he was inside. A man that exited the store drove off with the victim’s vehicle.
Police received a call with information that the person who stole the vehicle was the same person involved in the incident at Zina Street.
Scott Christopher Lemos, 34, from Orangeville has been charged with assault with a weapon, imitation firearm-use while committing an offence, theft of a motor vehicle, extortion and failure to comply with a release order. He remains in custody pending a bail hearing.
Kevin George Hoffman, 26, from Orangeville is charged with assault, extortion and breach of a peace bond. He had been released by the court after being held for a bail hearing. Hoffman is scheduled to appear in court in Orangeville on Sept. 15.