June 23, 2016 · 0 Comments
MILL CREEK has new interpretive signs noting its history in Orangeville. Signs have been posted near the bridges on Mill, Bythia and Wellington Streets. A project of Heritage Orangeville and the Arts and Culture Committee, the signage was recently erected as part of Tourism Week and each location tells a unique story about the importance of Mill Creek in the evolution of the Town. Heritage Orangeville and the Arts and Culture Committee both contributed to this project. The signage was designed to complement the Town’s tourism oriented way-finding signage. Mill Creek recently underwent a $1.3-million rehabilitation. Remedial work included a variety of slope stabilization and erosion control measures and the creek corridor was landscaped with new trees and shrubs. Councillor Sylvia Bradley, chair of Heritage Orangeville and the Arts & Culture Committee, and Ruth Phillips, Manager of Economic Development unveil one of the new signs.