
MyBizForum to hold sessions for like-minded entrepreneurs

September 8, 2016   ·   0 Comments

Starting a small business can be a difficult and tumultuous journey. While there are many programs in place to assist entrepreneurs of all ages from different levels of government, making the connections necessary to grow and thrive can be a daunting task.

It is with those struggles in mind, as well as many others, that MyBizForum has begun creating a growing group of like-minded entrepreneurs to help connect, relate, and provide a second set of eyes and ears for projects and ideas.

And starting later this month, MyBizForum will be hosting local information sessions in Creemore, Shelburne and Orange-ville.

According to a press release from the group, 11,000 small businesses are started each day around the world, with 96 percent of them failing during their first ten years.

The idea behind the forum is to help small business owners overcome the odds and become part of the four percent that do succeed.

They add thata number of support groups and networks have been set up for those who gross over a million dollars annually, but the smaller business owners are often left behind in the dust.

“[They are] often isolated and left to work through their questions and problems alone,” MyBizForum stated in their press release. “This can be stressful and lonely.”

The group’s president, Les Rubenovitch, has first-hand experience with the struggles of being a small business owner. With over 30 years of experience working with, running, and coaching small businesses, he aims to offer critical resources for owners. This includes the creation of a support system around frequently neglected business owners.

“Owning a small business should be a positive thing; one that offers independence, challenges, opportunities for wealth and happiness, and eventually provides a flexible lifestyle,” explained Mr. Rubenovitch.

The group explains in their press release that their goals are twofold – to provide a supportive space for small business owners to meet and share ideas, issues, and challenges, and to provide practical, essential resources to small business owners.

These goals are developed around Mr. Rubenovitch’s belief that small businesses are the core growth engines in their countries and should be able to lean on one another in order to find success.

“MyBizForum is a growing group of like-minded entrepreneurs who believe in peer support and see the benefit of running ideas and challenges by a group of caring and supportive individuals,” said Mr. Rubenovitch.

The group holds structured meetings where members take turns giving presentations about their business as well as receive feedback from the group. While the topics for presentations are optional, participating members are invited to present on a list of 12 essential items small business owners need. These items, once understood and mastered, assist in succeeding and thriving by learning how to identify market trends, developing a one-page plan, and creating a core metrics dashboard so they can monitor their progress towards their goals.

Entrepreneurs interested in services provided by the group can also visit their website,, where they can access a stream of blog posts featuring content curated to the interest of small business owners. Those who become members will also receive exclusive access to a repository of valuable information, templates, and tools designed to benefit any small business owner.

“If you believe that telling your story and receiving feedback gives you a chance to evaluate, change, and improve your own creative ideas and solutions, then you would be a perfect fit with MyBizForum,” added Mr. Rubenovitch.

For more information about MyBizForum, email them at info@mybizforum.con or contact them by phone at 519-766-5828.

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