
Mono’s levy on the Bruce Trail Conservancy

October 24, 2024   ·   2 Comments

Is it really necessary for the Town of Mono to take money away from a charity in order to achieve its goals?
I am dismayed by the Town of Mono’s insistence on demanding money from one of Canada’s top charities – The Bruce Trail Conservancy (BTC). This charity has been recognized as a Top 100 Charity by the organization Charity Intelligence Canada, alongside Doctors Without Borders, Terry Fox Foundation and 97 others.

This is a quote from Charity Intelligence Canada’s website: “The Bruce Trail Conservancy is a 5-star rated charity with best practices in financial transparency. It has above average accountability to donors … For every dollar donated to this charity, 90 cents go to the cause.”
The BTC’s mandate of conserving and stewarding land along the Niagara Escarpment requires a large funding base, all of which comes from donations. When land is purchased that has a permanent dwelling on it, the dwelling is severed and sold to recoup some funds, with the remaining land held for conservation.

The town’s Committee of Adjustments has decided that this charity must pay a parkland levy of 5% on this lot. This year the BTC has paid the town $113,000, with more to come. That huge sum is taken directly from the BTC’s charity work.

Of all the municipalities that the BTC deals with from Niagara to Tobermory, Mono is the only one to impose this levy. The irony here is that the BTC lands act as parklands enjoyed totally for free by the public.

Dave Dawe


Readers Comments (2)

  1. Alice Buchanan says:

    Thank you for speaking up, Dave, and protecting our precious Bruce Trail . 👏🏼

  2. John Schmelefske says:

    I’m shocked and appalled that the Town of Mono would attempt to gouge money from such a wonderful organization as the Bruce Trail Conservancy. Shame on you all!

    I live in Alliston and have good friends in Mono Cliffs. I have walked these trails many times. They are a treasure the community should embrace and support!


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