
Mono’s 13 per cent tax increase

January 30, 2025   ·   0 Comments

I am glad you still publish the Orangeville Citizen. The articles are always a source of knowledge to me.

Re: “Mono residents facing a 13 per cent tax increase,” Mono Council agreed it would hurt residents, but voted for the tax increase anyways. Lately, Council has considered many illogical proposals. I know who I am not going to vote for in the next election.

Council members and staff make so much more money than retired seniors. Why not implement a plan to reduce the tax increase to seniors who qualify? I should be so lucky to get a 4 per cent cost of living allowance on my pension.

I would hope Council members are there to benefit the people in Mono – not to collect a high wage.

Not true that “A good salary plays a role in attracting electoral candidates.” In business, a high-paying salary position does not mean the person is right for the job. A person with logic and a will to help the community is what council needs.

Mary Glinka


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