
Mono council discusses waste dumping at park in Camilla

September 14, 2018   ·   0 Comments

By Jasen Obermeyer

Mono council and staff are dealing with the cleanup of dumping locations in and around the area of Camilla’s Madill Meadows Park.

Council heard the report Tuesday (Sept. 11), given to the parks and recreation department by Eugene Lammerding, Dufferin County’s By-Law Enforcement Officer.

Mr. Lammerding discovered 26 dump locations, grass clippings making up half of those locations, which he stated, “some are really big piles.” Ten locations were of topsoil, which was mixed in with garbage, including plastic bags and bottles. The remaining three locations were tree branches.

He also stated that the topsoil spots are located mostly along the west side of the soccer field, the tree branches are located on the east side, just behind the ice pad, while most of the grass clippings are along the south to the west side.

“Why are the residents not availing themselves with the service? Is it a lack of communications?” asked Deputy Mayor Ken McGhee, referring to the Dufferin County yard waste program. “There should not be an excuse when we have available pickup for dumping in the community.”

Mono CAO Mark Early agreed. “There really is no excuse that (residents) shouldn’t be aware.”

Kim Perryman, the town’s director of parks and recreation, said with trash being mixed in, it will take some time to separate it from the topsoil, and staff is currently cleaning up the dumping locations. “It’s an ongoing process.”

Mr. Early said a sign going up in the area is for prosecution purposes, to deter any further dumping. “It’s got the bylaw number, and the fine on it.”

Councillor Ralph Manktelow commented on taking Mr. Lammerding’s suggestion of “making a big show” of the clean-up and reinforcing the fine for dumping.

“We’ll have to wait and see what transpires after the cleanup, and see how we carry on,” added Mayor Laura Ryan.

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