
MacMaster’s 17th Annual Chicken Drive fundraises $6,000 for Headwaters Hospital

June 13, 2024   ·   0 Comments

By Sam Odrowski

Headwaters Health Care Foundation is getting a $6,000 boost in funding thanks to the 17th Annual MacMaster Chicken Drive it held on June 5.

The MacMaster Buick GMC team helped organize the annual fundraiser and had one of their best years yet, selling over 550 chicken dinners. The chicken dinners were picked up at the MacMaster Buick GMC dealership at 207171 Highway 9 in a drive-thru format. After expenses, the drive raised $3,000, and MacMaster matched the proceeds to make it a $6,000 donation.

MacMaster president Danny Brackett said he’s happy to support Headwaters with the fundraiser each year.

“The hospital’s local in our community, and at some point in time, everyone in our community will need the hospital,” Brackett said in an interview on June 11. “We’ve always believed in supporting the hospital for the benefit of all of us working and living in this community.”

In a social media post, MacMaster thanked its staff for volunteering their time to make the fundraiser a success.

“This wouldn’t be possible without the many staff who helped to organize the event, sell the chicken dinners, prepare the meals, and deliver to vehicles in the drive-thru or to other businesses in town,” reads the post. “You should all feel very proud of your contributions to this successful event!”

The event will return in 2025 for its 18th year to continue raising funds for the Headwaters Health Care Foundation, bringing about enhanced health care services in Dufferin County.

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