December 7, 2017 · 0 Comments
By Mike Pickford
A long-time local member of the 1849 Lorne Scots Royal Canadian Army Cadets of Orangeville has been recognized for her “outstanding” leadership skills, being named the town’s 2017 Youth of the Year.
Having spent the formative years of her life in Orangeville, Laura Godin is currently in her first year at the University of Toronto studying Life Sciences. She was at the Town’s Nov. 27 Council meeting, where Mayor Jeremy Williams presented her with the award.
“I have seen Laura in action here in the community, she really is an outstanding individual and a worthy recipient of this award,” Mayor Williams said. “She has the innate ability to get the best out of people and has been a role model for many cadets. Laura has received many prestigious awards at the local, regional and national level – this is another to an already impressive list.”
Launched in 1996, the Municipal Youth of the Year award pays tribute to an individual who has enriched the social, cultural or civic life of the local community. The award is open to youth aged 14 to 21 and considers work in several categories, including voluntarism, education, humanitarian activities, the environment, arts and literature, preservation of history, community service, fitness and recreational sports.
Prior to pursuing her post-secondary studies, Laura was a regimental Sergeant Major and Cadet Commanding Officer in the Lorne Scots cadets. Through the program, Laura discovered her passion for preserving the environment and climbing mountains. As she begins what is expected to be a lengthy educational journey studying medicine, Laura hopes to focus much of her attention on researching dementia, specifically Alzheimer’s disease. She also plans to get involved with Doctors Without Borders.
Addressing Council on the night, Laura thanked those in the committee who nominated her for the award.
“It is a privilege and an honour to accept this incredible award,” Laura said. “Most of the time, people like to thank their parents whenever they succeed, and of course I’d like to do that, but I’d also like to thank the cadet program for everything it gave to me. I think it’s important too to thank the town of Orangeville. This community helped to raise me. The opportunities I had here in Orangeville have helped shape me into who I am today.”
Laura received a plaque in recognition of her award, while her name was added to the large Youth of the Year plaque in Council Chambers.