
Lord Dufferin IODE hosting 26th Annual Geranium Fundraiser

April 22, 2021   ·   0 Comments

By Sam Odrowski

With the weather warming up and limited options for activities outside due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there’s no better time to take up gardening.

To help get the season started, you can purchase red, white, pink or salmon citronella geraniums from the Lord Dufferin IODE during their annual sale.

The not-for-profit, women’s led organization has started taking orders for its 26th Annual Geranium Fundraiser and pick up is scheduled for May 27, 28 and 29 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the 10&10 Garden Centre in Mono (634026 Highway 10).

The cost is $7 for a single plant or $36 for a flat of 10 and orders can be placed by emailing or calling Dori Ebel at 519-941-1865 or Jessica Cerveny 519-307-2088 of the Lord Dufferin IODE.

The geranium pickup is 100 per cent COVID-19 safe, as customers can pay by e-transfer or there’s contactless cash payment, where customers drop their money or a cheque into a plastic Ziploc bag.

All of the money raised by the organization through the fundraiser is used to support various charitable initiatives in the County of Dufferin.

“Our money all stays in the community, for Food Bank, the hospital, transition house, bursaries for the schools, both high school and the elementary school,” said Ebel.

“I have some people who have been buying for 21, 22 years from IODE, and each year they call and they go, ‘I want to support you, because I know where your money goes.’”

Last year the organization raised $7,000 through the geranium sale, which exceeded the total they raised in 2019.

Ebel noted that the Lord Dufferin IODE’s success in 2020 was largely attributed to the COVID-19 pandemic, as Ontario was still under its first lockdown and people weren’t sure if garden centres were going to open, so they ordered more plants than usual at that time.

This year, Ebel told the Citizen she’s hoping that they can raise $7,000 again, which would go a long way in helping the community through their various donations and charitable programs.

She added that the Lord Dufferin IODE is grateful to all of the customers who support their geranium fundraiser year after year.

Anyone who’s looking for geraniums is encouraged to place an order through the Lord Duffeirn IODE.

“Come out, give us a call and give us a try. If you’ve never bought before, you won’t be disappointed,” Ebel enthused. “They’re quality products grown and supplied by family-owned business 10&10 Garden Centre, 634026 Hwy 10 Mono.”

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