
Local CVC parks and areas remain closed despite provincial announcement

May 15, 2020   ·   0 Comments

By Brian Lockhart

The recent announcement from the provincial government that provincial parks and conservation areas will be open to visitors does not extend to park areas under the control of local conservation areas.

While provincial parks opened trails and some outdoor areas on Monday (May, 11), Credit Valley Conservation released a statement on May 10 saying they will not be following the provincial example and will remain closed while they get their parks back in shape to receive visitors.

The statement said parks under the authority of Credit Valley Conservation will remain closed to the public including Conservation Parks members until further notice.

No one is being allowed to enter the parks and Conservation staff are monitoring the parks to enforced the closure.

“We understand people’s frustrations and we look forward to welcoming visitors back as soon as it is safe to do so,” said Terry LeRoux, senior manager, property, asset, recreation and conservation area services for the CVC. “The safety of our visitors and staff is our highest priority.”

The Conservation Authority is initiating a planned, phased reopening of most of its trails.

Conservation staff will go through a series of steps to open the parks including checking nearly 100 kilometres of trails for hazards and safety concerns and removing closure barriers at 76 locations at different parks.

They will also ensure vendor support with services such as garbage pick-up and coordinate changing the park’s status with municipal partner authorities like police, by-law officers, and other land management agencies.

The Conservation Authority has not yet issued a predicted date when conservation areas will open to the public.

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