
Local businesses receive Starter Company Plus grants

March 16, 2018   ·   0 Comments

TD Canada Trust and the Orangeville & Area Small Business Enterprise Centre (SBEC) awarded two local businesses with Starter Company Plus grants in a presentation at Town Hall on Monday.

Starter Company Plus is an entrepreneurship training program delivered by the Orangeville & Area Small Business Enterprise Centre (SBEC) in partnership with the Province of Ontario, the Town of Orangeville, the County of Dufferin, along with other partners including TD Bank.

TD Canada Trust has supported the Starter Company Plus program in the form of a targeted grant ($5,000) to an eligible entrepreneur.

Ken Hall Art is a well-known art studio in Dufferin. Owner Ken Hall was awarded a Starter Company Plus grant in support of a new Augmented Reality app designed to accompany his award-winning artwork, Legacy, a life-sized, anatomically correct, app will allow users to use their smartphone cameras to visualize what the Orca looked like in the flesh, overlay additional information such as 3D models, interactive points, x-ray views, and more.

A second Starter Company Plus grant of $5,000 was awarded to Jessica Holder and Julie Thurgood.

Their Green Monkey Creative is a creative marketing studio located at 28 Mill Street. It is a new partnership between marketing specialists Julie and Jessica, focusing on design and digital marketing for small businesses. Additionally, the studio offers a collaborative working space for other like-minded individuals for daily or long-term use.

Starter Company Plus provides an excellent opportunity for entrepreneurs to receive the training, mentorship and support that they need to develop and expand their own successful ventures. If you or someone you know has a great idea for a new business or the expansion of an existing one, please contact the SBEC office at or 519-941-0440 Ext. 2286.

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