June 13, 2024 · 0 Comments
By Brian Lockhart
The local Chapter of the Knights of Columbus (#8851) is once again hosting its annual poker run in support of a local family in need and other local charities.
This is the Knight’s 16th annual poker run
The fun run will get started at the Orangeville Curling Club and head north to Collingwood, Ont. with stops along the way.
Riders will stop at Mansfield and Kimberly to pick up their playing cards. The cards will determine their poker hand when they finish the run.
“It’s $35 to register,” explained Kip McKenna, Knights of Colombus member. “At each stop the rider gets a card. They can also purchase more cards if they want a better hand. When the riders return by 3 p.m., we put the cards into a poker hand and the winner gets $1,000.”
Funds raised will go towards a local family that needs help.
“They have two kids that are handicapped,” Mr. McKenna said. “The funds go to help with things like wheelchairs, medication, and things needed around the house and transportation.”
Some funds will go to local deserving charities in town.
When riders return to the Curling Club, there will be a barbecue, a silent auction, and a 50/50 draw.
The Poker Run will take place on Sunday, June 23, beginning at 8 a.m. Riders are required to be back at the Curling Club by 3 p.m.
You can simply show up on the morning of the event to register or you can pre-register by sending an e-mail to Kip at kipmckenna@outlook.com or call St. Timothy Parish in Orangeville – (519) 941-2424.
This is a fun event that will have riders enjoying a day on their motorcycles while raising funds for a good cause at the same time.