August 30, 2018 · 0 Comments
ALTHOUGH FALL doesn’t officially arrive for another three weeks, the Orangeville Fall Fair is upon us this Labour Day weekend, and once more will be offering something for everyone.
With a 2018 Theme “Homegrown & Handmade,” Orangeville’s fair has been organized and operated by the Orangeville Agricultural Society since long before Orangeville was incorporated as a village and Canada lost its colonial status to become the first British Dominion.
Popular events for this 164th Fair include a tractor pull and demolition derby, along with numerous educational activities designed to teach people about the importance of agriculture to everyday life, along with live entertainment, livestock shows, a tractor garden race, and many more exhibits.
With the fairgrounds now on Mono’s 5 Sideroad, the fair opens tomorrow (Friday) and continues Saturday and Sunday, with the weather hopefully co-operating. Again this year, there is a free bus service with buses leaving Orangeville Mall every hour for a loop around town en route to the fair.