April 8, 2018 · 0 Comments
By Mike Pickford
It’s that time of the year, again. Headwaters Health Care Centre (HHCC) announced on Wednesday that it was accepting nominations for the long running Dr. David Scott Award.
Appropriately labelled one of Headwaters’ most prestigious annual honours since its inception back in 2000, the Dr. David Scott Award recognizes individuals or groups who have gone above and beyond to improve the overall health and wellness of the Dufferin-Caledon community and promote links between the hospital and the community.
“This is a truly special award that we at Headwaters Health Care Centre have the privilege of presenting each and every year,” HHCC Board Chair Ms. Kindree told the Citizen last April. “While it recognizes the efforts of those in our community that works to establish a closer bond between our hospital and the public, it also serves to honour Dr. David Scott – one of Orangeville’s, and indeed the hospital’s, greatest ambassadors.”
Dr. Scott was the first specialized doctor to practise in Orangeville. Completing his undergraduate for medicine and fellowship in general surgery in Toronto, he returned to the place he always called home in 1962. He strived for greatness throughout the entirety of his 35-year career in the local medical industry, serving as the Dufferin Area Hospital’s chief of staff and board chair of the Wellington Dufferin District Health Council.
In what many see as Dr. Scott’s lasting legacy in the community, he led the charge for a new hospital for Dufferin County. According to Ms. Kindree, with the community quickly outgrowing the Dufferin Area Hospital, Dr. Scott was “instrumental” in ensuring Orangeville was at the top of the list when the provincial government announced its long-term project plans shortly before the new millennium.
While Dr. Scott officially retired from his position 20 years ago, he still finds time to volunteer in some capacity at the hospital. It’s that continued commitment that ranks this award as the most important HHCC dishes out each year.
Last year’s winners were Dr. Stephen Milone, an anesthetist at the hospital, and Dr. Stephanie Milone, an emergency physician. They were the first joint recipients in the award’s history. The couple have been practising medicine at HHCC for more than a decade. It was their continued efforts in community service contributions, which include volunteering, educating, mentoring and leading numerous fundraising initiatives supporting the local community, that led to their receiving the award.
Other previous award recipients have been selected for advocacy in many areas, including improving accessibility, fundraising and volunteer leadership with local organizations, improving long-term care, recruiting physicians, establishing after-hours clinics and promoting violence prevention.
The deadline for the Dr. David Scott Award nominations is Friday, May 4. The award will then be presented at HHCC’s annual general meeting on June 19.
For more information, visit headwatershealth.ca/drdavidscottaward, or call 519-941-2702 ext. 2201.