
Gobsmacking events

February 2, 2018   ·   0 Comments

By Todd Taylor

The events of the last 10 days have left me absolutely gobsmacked.

I was astonished by the multiple harassment claims that continue to come to light on the national stage and right here in our very own Dufferin County. The story of former Ontario Conservative leader Patrick Brown took on a life of its own and thrust other well-meaning people into unwinnable situations. If he is innocent, then I feel absolutely horrible for him and his family. The problem for me is that I know he is without a doubt guilty of one thing. In a nutshell, Patrick Brown lacks good judgment and common sense.

So what does Patrick Brown’s “#Me Too” contribution have to do with our beloved Dufferin County? The antics of Mr. Brown forced the Conservative party to act swiftly with a response and a plan to address the issue. Our very own MPP Sylvia Jones was thrust into the Provincial spotlight to lead a late-night decision which would oust their former party leader. The press conference was hastily called and unfortunately did not go to plan. Ms. Jones had asked the rhetorical question, “Was last night a hiccup?” and then answered her own words with “Absolutely”. The Ontario press challenged our local MPP immediately by saying, “Some people would say last night was more than a hiccup”. There is no doubt it was not a great moment for the MPP for Dufferin-Caledon.

I do follow our local political scene closely. Over time, it is easy to understand who the good people are and who work hard at their craft to make things better for the rest of us. Everyone who reads this column should know that Sylvia Jones is one of those “good people”. In addition, she is an extremely competent individual who works unbelievably hard for her constituents. The hiccup comment is something that I am certain she would like to take back. In fact, not long after the news conference, Ms. Jones issued a statement, “No part of this was a ‘hiccup.’ It was a very long press conference, I misspoke and I apologize.”

I was disappointed, but not surprised to see how quickly those in the press and social media took to the airways to criticize her. Many challenged her character, while others waxed on about how the local MPP did not return their calls or grant appointments for help. I can only share one perspective and that is my own. I have contacted Sylvia Jones for help with events the Orangeville Optimist club has been involved with many times. I have worked with Sylvia at events at the Mono Nordic Ski club. I have witnessed the great support she gives to many community events within the region. Lastly, I have personally sought her advice/help regarding concerns that I have had within our community. Even those that do not align with the Conservative party would agree that Ms. Jones is a very diligent professional. I do not excuse the comment she made, I just think it is important to note that all of us have a bad week now and then.

The “#times up” movement was recently started by Hollywood celebrities to bring awareness to sexual harassment issues. In our area, local celebrities are often politicians, musicians, or even business owners. It was disheartening to hear Orangeville make 680 news because one of our local business celebrities was facing sexual assault charges and would need to close his business until “further notice.” I feel horrible for everyone involved in this case as well. The emotional fragility of the young women involved would be heartbreaking for all of those close to them. In addition, the loss of career and community shame felt by the individual charged would be devastating. No one wins, instead all lose in these sad stories.

Not all emotional damaging events in our community are sexual in nature. Bullying within schools and the workplace remains a key problem within our society. The local Orangeville Facebook Groups share many instances of aggressive, unwanted behaviour by one individual upon another. The impact on families and the victims themselves are long-lasting and debilitating. In Orangeville, we are still waiting to hear which one of our local politicians has been accused of bullying town hall staff. You may recall that the Integrity Commissioner is investigating allegations that a member of Council has interfered with or unduly influenced municipal staff in the performance of their duties, as well as breaching the duty to treat members of staff appropriately and without abuse, bullying or intimidation. The fact that this story is now four months old is frustrating. The public deserves to know the details and those involved deserve closure.

As a father to a 17-year-old young woman, I wish all men would act more respectfully and sensibly. Our politicians and local celebrities need to understand that they are held to a higher standard than the rest of the population. Our behaviour must change appreciably, both locally and globally.

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