
Dufferin County seeking nominations for Paul Chantree Memorial Award

March 2, 2017   ·   0 Comments

Do you know a person or organization that has helped make Dufferin County more resilient to emergency situations, or helped out during a crisis? If so, Dufferin County is asking you to consider nominating them for the 2017 Paul Chantree Memorial Award.

The award was created by County Council in 2011, and first awarded in 2012. The award is named after local resident Paul Chantree, who, prior to his passing in 2010, was instrumental in the preparedness and response to severe weather events in Dufferin County. As the long-time Emergency Coordinator of the Dufferin County Amateur Radio Emergency Service, Mr. Chantree provided leadership to a dedicated group of volunteers.

Among his many accomplishments, Mr. Chantree founded a website to ensure the safety of all of Dufferin County’s residents by providing up-to-date forecasts and severe weather alerts. He was active in his community through many other organizations and causes.

Steve Murphy, Dufferin County’s emergency management & communications coordinator, said in an email to the Citizen that Council felt in many instances the efforts of various people and organizations to make our community more resilient went unnoticed. He said the Paul Chantree Memorial Award was created to recognize the “behind the scenes” work that goes into making sure a community is ready for emergencies.

The Paul Chantree Memorial Award is presented annually in two categories. The individual category recognizes the person who has demonstrated a commitment to continuing Paul’s legacy by working tirelessly to promote a safer and more resilient community.

The organization category recognizes a company, organization or group that has made a significant contribution to the safety and resiliency of Dufferin County.

Mr. Murphy said the award serves several purposes for Dufferin County, including recognizing those making the community safer, and the efforts of Mr. Chantree are recognized.

“Perhaps most importantly, the Paul Chantree Memorial Award provides an opportunity to encourage the community as a whole to know the risks, have a plan and make an emergency kit.”

Mr. Murphy said recipients of the award have expressed a sense of pride for their efforts being recognized. Previous recipients include a Shelburne resident who assisted by providing first aid at a motor vehicle collision; a community leader who fed stranded motorists during a severe winter storm and a charitable organization that provided support to emergency responders during several incidents.

The award consists of a Perpetual Trophy, which will be displayed in the County of Dufferin’s Corporate Services department; there is also a trophy for each recipient to display in their workplace or home.

Nomination forms are available at the Dufferin County office located at 55 Zina Street, 2nd Floor Administration office, Orangeville, Ontario between 8:30 and 4:30 pm Monday to Friday or from our website at at any time. Nominations will be accepted until March 31st, 2017 and County Council will present the award on May 11th, 2017.

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