June 20, 2024 · 0 Comments
By Sam Odrowski
Dufferin County is launching two engagement initiatives in support of its mission to foster a thriving, equitable and resilient community: the Older Adult Services Review (OASR) and Master Housing Strategy (MHS).
Visit surveymonkey.com/r/dufferin-housing to do a survey on MHS and ca1se.voxco.com/S2/55/DufferinCounty to do a survey on the OASR.
“Dufferin County Council knows that housing and the health and well-being of older adults are top of mind as we continue to experience strong economic and population growth locally. That’s why we’re working to build a community that grows together,” said Dufferin County Warden Darren White. “Residents, caregivers of older adults, community groups and other local partners are invited to get involved and have their say as we undertake the Older Adult Services Review and Master Housing Strategy. Together, we can continue to build a thriving, equitable and resilient community for all.”
Dufferin County continues to experience strong population and economic growth and development. The OASR will help the County ensure the older adult population has access to adequate support and services and the MHS will support the County in responding to the growing and diversifying needs for housing locally. Both projects will support the County in achieving its vision under its 2023 to 2026 Strategic Plan of being a community that grows together.
“As part of our 2023 to 2026 Strategic Plan, Dufferin County staff have committed to providing meaningful, accessible and inclusive community engagement opportunities for all in our community to share their thoughts as we work to achieve our goals. The OASR and MHS will be instrumental in helping us meet the current and future needs of all in Dufferin. We look forward to hearing from our residents and other stakeholders during this important engagement process,” said Dufferin County’s CAO Sonya Pritchard.