June 10, 2021 · 0 Comments
The Dufferin Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) invites citizens to consider using Online Reporting – a secure, simple and convenient tool to report minor crimes.
Online Reporting is a user-friendly and convenient process that can be done from any mobile device, laptop, tablet or computer with internet access. To access the system, a user can go to opp.ca/reporting, choose their location and click on “Click here to start a report.” This will take the user to a secure link where they will be given precise instructions on how to fill out the report.
Only occurrences that do not involve an injury, a suspect or evidence at the scene are applicable. If the crime does not meet the criteria for reporting online, the user will be advised to call police directly.
Crimes that are eligible for Online Reporting, regardless of value, include:
Online Reporting is beneficial to both the public and the police. It provides a convenient alternative to the citizens of Ontario, while allowing frontline officers to focus their efforts on other proactive and crime prevention strategies within our communities.
By providing people with another option for reporting crimes, the OPP is hopeful that more incidents will be reported, resulting in the collection of information to develop future crime prevention initiatives.
To access the system, go to opp.ca/reporting.
The OPP can be contacted toll-free anytime via the non-emergency number at 1-888-310-1122. In an emergency, always call 9-1-1.