
Donate the Rebate 

January 23, 2025   ·   0 Comments

Soon every taxpayer in Ontario will receive a $200 rebate cheque compliments of Doug Ford’s P.C. Government.

That means every billionaire and millionaire in Ontario will receive the $200 rebate.

This gimmick rebate will cost us $3 billion. Doug Ford is throwing billions of our tax dollars on election gimmicks, propaganda and pet projects.

The average time in our hospital emergency rooms is 4.5 hours. Over 2.5 million people don’t have a family doctor in Ontario.

In Walkerton, over a thousand people lined up outside in frigid temperatures to be a patient of the new family doctor in town.

Just 500 people could join the new physician’s practice. They started lining up at 2 a.m. in the morning and many haven’t had a family doctor in almost a decade. There is no excuse for this. Minister of Health Sylvia Jones should resign.

Food Banks in Ontario were visited 7.6 million times from April 2023 – March 2024, which is a 134 per cent increase compared to the same period from 2019 to 2020.

Over 80,000 people in Ontario are homeless in every city and town across the province. And right here in Orangeville many people are living unhoused on the streets, in surrounding forests and exposed to freezing concrete in front of stores etc.

I am definitely not a billionaire, not even a millionaire! I am a blue-collar worker who plans to donate the rebate to the Orangeville Food Bank and Choices Youth Shelter. 

Please donate the rebate if you can to the people and places that really need the help.

Terry Brooker


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