April 11, 2024 · 1 Comments
By Constance Scrafield
When Doug Ford announced his government’s intention to build executive housing on large sections of the Green Belt, public protest against the plan forced him to completely back away from the plans earlier this year.
Caledon Mayor, Annette Groves intends to amend zoning bylaws for 35,000 housing units, to be passed by the end of April. As mayor, the Ford government has given her the authority to pass this plan through with only 30 per cent of Town Council support.
To fully inform Caledon citizens, an emergency meeting, open to all, is being held by Democracy Caledon on Wednesday, April 17, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at St. James Anglican Church Hall, 6025 Old Church Road, Caledon East.
A map of the extensive development shows 12 basic locations for batches of units to be built on a variety of spaces, including agricultural, commercial, etc., which will be re-zoned to be used for the development of the 35,000 units: “Mixed Density Residential, Environmental Policy Area 1, Urban Corridor, Neighbourhood Centre, Multiple Residential, and General Commercial,” according to Caledon Town Hall’s Notice of Application, Public Meeting and Proposed Zoning by-law Amendments.
Victor Doyle, an urban planner who’s known as the “Architect of the Green Belt,” has questions about this plan that seek to override the Town’s Official Plan. His list starts with, “The Town’s Housing Pledge is for 13,000 units to 2031 which it has demonstrated is on target to meet with already approved/planned units. Why is there a need to zone for an additional 35,000 units at this time – and all at the same time?”
This sole public meeting at Caledon Town Hall is set for April 25, 2024, starting at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers, Town Hall, 6311 Old Church Road, Caledon.
And take note of the caveat published by the Town, namely:
“If a person or public body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submissions to the Town of Caledon before the by-law is passed, the person or public body may not be added as a party to the hearing of an appeal before the Ontario Land Tribunal unless, in the opinion of the Tribunal, there are reasonable grounds to do so.”
The details and map are at www.caledon.ca/notices
Victor Doyle poses a great many questions, about the plan and how it is being passed without all the prescribed steps.
In particular, Mr. Doyle’s concern stays with the Town’s Official Plan, saying further, “It appears nine of the areas do not have secondary plans. Secondary plans are part of the Official Plan and the Planning Act requires that zoning by-laws must conform to an Official Plan. Secondary plans also provide a much more detailed level of analysis and planning.
“The Town’s Official Plan requires secondary plans to address a suite of considerations and requirements including the completion of sub-watershed studies, an agricultural impact assessment, a staging of development plan, a mobility/transportation study, a housing assessment and a fiscal impact assessment.
“How can the Town enact these zoning by-laws prior to completing the secondary plans and the requisite studies?”
These are only a few of Victor Doyle’s notes and questions.
There is genuine concern about the answers at the public meeting at the Town Hall when such an enormous change to the face of Caledon is being announced with little public consultation and very little advance notice. The worry is the speed at which the zoning by-laws can now be changed by the Town of Caledon’s new streamlined zoning by-law amendment process called “advanced zoning.”
This change has only recently come into public knowledge.
The emergency meeting, open to all Caledon citizens is being held on Wednesday, April 17, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at St. James Anglican Church Hall, 6025 Old Church Road Caledon East, before the April 25 public meeting at the Town Hall.
For more details and to ask for the complete list of Mr. Doyle’s questions, contact debbeday33@gmail.com.
Thank you for writing this article.