March 8, 2018 · 0 Comments
By Jasen Obermeyer
Ontario’s new Minister of Economic Development and Growth, Steven Del Duca, was in Orangeville with Dufferin-Caledon Liberal candidate Bob Gordanier last week, discussing the upcoming election and issues with liberal supports.
Mr. Del Duca and Mr. Gordanier met for breakfast at Barb’s Country Kitchen last Friday morning (March 2), to give an update on the municipal and provincial political scene, and both spoke to the Citizen.
Minister Del Duca said Bob is a man of integrity who knows the community, and is the right leader for the county. “He’s got a very strong connection to the broader community, and I know how devoted he is to Dufferin-Caledon and its success.”
He said he’s noticed more young families moving out of downtown Toronto because of high housing prices, which presents challenges to Dufferin-Caledon such as transportation and space.
However, he pointed to the province leading the country in economic growth and GDP. “We have an unemployment rate that’s been lower than the national average for the last 33 months.”
Mr. Gordanier discussed his platform, saying some of the changes he wishes to see are on infrastructure and transport, as so many must commute to Toronto and Brampton. “Dufferin-Caledon has not been able to fulfill some of the things that are needed, from Shelburne right down into Bolton.”
He believes that Dufferin-Caledon isn’t getting the support and relationships it needs, and must “make a big change to get that support.”
Mr. Gordanier explained that he has family members living here, the youngest being four and the oldest 92, and so knows what the various demographics need. “Somebody’s failing down here to get something down.”
Mr. Del Duca explained he’s been working on dealing with the challenges and negative impacts of the United States putting a tax on steel, and the continued NAFTA talks. “We think it’s critically important to stand up for our workers and businesses.”
He said the Liberal party stands on the side of fairness, and is expecting a heated election. “A strong economy supports a strong quality of life.”
When discussing the impending loss of Cando Rail, operator of the Orangeville-Brampton Railway, Mr. Gordanier said it’s not a good thing, but “These things do come to an end, everything comes to an end.”
Asked his thoughts on the election, he said it’s going to be close and very heated.
“Are there issues? Absolutely, of course there’s issues, there will always be issues. But we need to start solving some of these things instead of just telling people everything is wonderful.”