February 2, 2023 · 0 Comments
By Paula Brown, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter
The County of Dufferin is now accepting applications for their 2023 Community Grant Program.
In a press release issued on Tuesday (Jan. 31), the County announced the application period for their 2023 Community Grant Program is open. The community grant program aims to support not-for-profit or charitable organizations that complete projects or provide programming benefiting Dufferin County residents.
“Our local not-for-profit organizations work hard every day to benefit our community, and through their ongoing dedication, they make Dufferin County a better place for all who live and work here,” said Wade Mills, Warden of Dufferin County. “We are please to again offer our Community Grant Program to support the not-for-profit sector and the important work they do.”
The County has identified six strategic priorities for the 2023 round of community grants: climate action; cultural enhancement; diversity, equity and inclusion; economic development; youth and seniors services; and food.
The County Community Grants Program will see some changes this year. The Food for Thought grant now falls under the general Community Grant streams, and food is being added as a benefit category.
There is still an allocation of funds to support organizations that provide direct food services to Dufferin residents. The previous maximum of $3,000 for Food grant applications will no longer apply.
“Dufferin County staff are committed to making our community a safe, healthy and successful place for all, and our local not-for-profit sector plays an important role in helping us as we work to achieve this,” said Sonya Pritchard, CEO of Dufferin County. “Not-for-profits and charitable organizations can now apply for the County’s 2023 Community Grant Program to receive support for the work they do to better our community.”
Dufferin County partners with Headwaters Communities in Action (HCIA) to administer the funds from the Community Grant Program. A grant team, established by HCIA, will review the applications and evaluate them against the criteria to ensure they meet the strategic priorities.
Notifications will be sent to the grant recipients from the County Clerk’s Office following approval by county council no sooner than their meeting on Apr. 13.
The submission deadline for applications is 11:59 p.m. on Feb. 27. Completed application packages can be submitted by email to info@dufferincounty.ca, or dropped off at or mailed to the County of Dufferin office in Orangeville, located at 30 Centre Street, with attention to the Community Grant Program.
Additional information on the Dufferin County Community Grant Program and eligibility requirement can be found at www.dufferincounty.ca.