December 22, 2022 · 0 Comments
By Sam Odrowski
Orangeville council is looking to update and modernize its noise bylaw to address outdated language and the issue of modified muffler systems on vehicles that purposely backfire.
A Notice of Motion brought forward by Deputy Mayor Todd Taylor at Orangeville council’s regular meeting on Dec. 12 passed unanimously, directing town staff to amend the noise bylaw to include a separate clause that creates an offence for noise created by motor vehicles. Taylor’s motion states enforcement of this offence would be done by the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP), as bylaw officers don’t have the means to pull over and ticket drivers.
Having owned 28 vehicles in his life, Coun. Andrews says he’s a big “car guy” so he can understand the impulse to want to show off, but said the modified mufflers take it too far.
“This is taking bragging to a different level and it becomes an annoyance and problematic,” said Coun. Andrews.
His comments were echoed by Coun. Rick Stevens, who noted that the issue is prevalent where he lives in Orangeville.
“The motorcycle noise out at my end of town is just awful,” he said. “It’s nothing against motorcycles, I had one up until two years ago. It’s just the muffler systems,” said Coun. Stevens.
Deputy Mayor Taylor said when door knocking during his municipal election campaign in October, he heard from many residents that the noise created by modified muffler systems is an issue in their neighbourhood.
His Notice of Motion also comments on the technological improvements for the playing of loud music that may disturb others.
And Deputy Mayor Taylor noted that some of the language in the noise bylaw currently sounds more like it’s from 1888 than the year it was passed – 1996. The bylaw speaks to “hooting” and “silliness” which should be modernized.
Orangeville’s noise bylaw was up for review in 2024 but Deputy Mayor Taylor’s Notice of Motion asks town staff to look at it in 2023 instead. At a regular council meeting in January, the town’s clerk will provide a clear timeline as to when an amended noise bylaw will be brought forward.
Council’s next meeting will start at 7 p.m. on Jan. 9. at Town Hall (87 Broadway).