June 21, 2018 · 0 Comments
By Jasen Obermeyer
Caledon resident Sheralyn Roman has put her name in the running for the position of Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board (DPCDSB) trustee for Dufferin and Caledon.
“I just feel it’s the combination of the right time, that I have the skill sets that I believe will be of value to the community, and I have the ability to offer a great deal of my time now,” she explained to the Citizen, with her decision being one she thought of for sometime. “I’m just hoping to offer something that represents parents everywhere, the average experience of a parent in the community.”
DPCDSB oversees nearly 150 schools, and 90,000 students, with Ms. Roman looking to be a “hands on” trustee and allow for open communication. “If we can work with the spirit of advocacy and collaboration versus an adversarial approach.”
Although she said she is planning to go out and find the issues “that aren’t currently being addressed,” she briefly mentioned financial responsibility and getting resources for special education as some areas to focus on. “We don’t all learn the same way.”
She added that she can offer a “real feet on the floor approach” by bringing “something that respects all sides of the education system” from administration and teachers, to the students, parents, and the parish.
Ms. Roman explained that some of the qualities she brings to the table are having a Bachelor of Education, teaching in the college system, and doing emergency supply teaching in the elementary level.
She described herself as being very passionate about education and believes it is important to provide children “the supports and resources they require to achieve their full potential.”
When asked about the strengths of the school board, Ms. Roman briefly mentioned the EQAO testing and how the results are “exemplary” in the school and the teachers are “doing a fantastic job in the classroom.”