
Blood donor event coming to Orangeville in February

January 23, 2023   ·   0 Comments

By Brian Lockhart

There continues to be a need for people to step up and become blood donors over the next year.

There has been an increase in donations since Canadian Blood Services announced they had a need for donors to fill 25,000 appointments by the end of the year.

The service has returned to normal operations and can safely distribute blood products.

A good response from blood, plasma, and platelet donors helped replenish several key blood groups. However, the inventory of blood and blood products is still not where it needs to be.

More donors are needed in the winter months to restore the blood supply to an optimal level and grow the country’s plasma supply. 

Thanks to generous donors, the situation is no longer critical, but that doesn’t mean the work can stop. The demand for blood and blood products remains constant.

Canadian Blood Services is asking donors across the country to continue to come forward in the next few weeks to help stabilize blood supplies and grow the plasma supply as disruptions are possible over the winter due to the weather.

Citizens are encouraged to book and keep appointments or look for appointments that are currently open.

Same day and open appointment spots are often available at donation events. If you are unable to book an appointment to donate right away, you can consider booking one in the following month. 

Whether you choose to donate blood, plasma, or platelets this week, or over the next few weeks or months, all donors are important.

Late cancellations and missed appointments make it challenging to collect blood products. If you make an appointment, you just try to keep it. If you are unable to make it to your appointment, you should call and cancel so someone can be found to take your place.

Everyone is encouraged to donate. When you make your appointment, ask a family member, friend, or colleague to book an appointment and donate with you.

The next blood donation event in Orangeville will take place Feb. 27.

Visit or call 1-888-2—DONATE (1-888-236-6283) to find and book and appointment.

For more information about eligibility and screening criteria, visit and try the on-line eligibility quiz.

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