June 23, 2016 · 0 Comments
Business for the Arts celebrated Orangeville’s high level of success in the artsVest program with an event at Town Hall last Thursday, June 16.
artsVest is a matching incentive and sponsorship training program designed by Business for the Arts to spark corporate engagement in arts and culture and build strong ties between public, private and cultural sectors. The program operated in Orangeville from 2015 to 2016, providing local cultural organizations with free sponsorship training through a live workshop and 10 mentorship sessions.
Orangeville was one of five Ontario municipalities to receive artsVest support in 2015-2016. The program resulted in five arts organizations creating 15 partnerships with local businesses. A goal of raising $20,000 from the business community, that was to be matched by artsVest, ended with the five organizations raising $61,050 in sponsorship funding – more than triple the anticipated goal.
Everyone of the five pre-approved arts organizations in Orangeville secured matching funds from businesses – a rare occurrence in the program’s experience. Private sponsorship, combined with an artsVest contribution of $23,054 resulted in a total investment of $84,104 in Orangeville’s cultural economy. The program was supported by the federal and provincial governments and the Ontario Trillium Foundation.