April 4, 2019 · 0 Comments
As a 45 year resident of Dufferin/Caledon and a card carrying individual with a disability I have several complaints with the elections at the fairground.
We now live in a multicultural society and I applaud the organization of the winning candidates supporters who intently encouraged and signed up several memberships prior to the voting date. Also the loyalty to which 2 at least buses of folks showed up plus large numbers of supporters.
To the 1300 of voters who did not exercise their right to vote SHAME ON YOU. We have a privilege in this free nation to vote yet we are lazy and complacent in this country and I hope we got a wakeup call by how the winning candidate and his supporters were so well organized recognizing their rights to vote and acting on it.
TO THE LOCAL EXECUTIVE: Shock and dismay as to
1) Why weren’t off duty police hired? They are trained in crowd control and were much better able to keep the crowd back so someone like me with a walker could enter the building to vote. Folks wouldn’t move out of my way I had to continually ask them to move hanging around the entrance to the facility.
2) A school bus blocked people from backing up. Also, I saw, as I waited for my ride home, people trying to back up and had no room, the bus was so close to to the back of their cars.
3) Why wasn’t there an all candidates meeting separate from the voting day so each person could speak.
4) Why was the lobby towards the polls filled with candidates and their supporters, blocking us to get to main auditorium.?
5) Process of being able to run for this district where was EXPERIENCE?? To my knowledge only Barb Shawnessey had experience politically and former Mayor Jeremy Williams was the only delegate to send me a copy of the voting card instructing how to vote He seemed the only one prepared to help voters?
In closing both papers talk about the successful candidate having attended a Private Christian School in Brampton and some degrees he obtained, plus his being Manager of his father’s local Taxi Cab Company. No mention as to his political or lack of experience.
Dianne Zahodnik
Dufferin-Caledon resident