April 25, 2019 · 0 Comments
Orangeville Police have charged an Alliston woman with stunt driving after she was clocked doing 70 kilometres an hour above the posted limit on Veteran’s Way last Wednesday evening.
“This area is a posted 60 km/h zone and police receive many complaints regarding the excessive speeds of vehicles travelling on the road,” the Orangeville Police Service said in a news release. “At approximately 7:15 p.m., police observed a 2019 Toyota traveling at a high rate of speed. The officer’s radar unit clocked the vehicle travelling at a speed of 130 km/h.”
As a result, the driver, a 37-year-old Alliston woman, was charged with stunt driving: Police seized the vehicle to be impounded for seven days, during which the driver’s licence is suspended. The accused is scheduled to appear in court on May 20.
Local businesses briefed on pot laws
The Orangeville Police Service (OPS) has visited local businesses to educate property and business owners on their responsibilities under federal and provincial cannabis laws.
Over the past week, members of the OPS Criminal Investigations Bureau have educated local businesses known to or believed to be selling cannabis-based products such as CBD oils. This action was a proactive initiative to educate both business owners and landlords of potential consequences of selling these illegal products.
The Cannabis Act creates a strict legal framework for controlling the production, distribution, sale and possession of cannabis across Canada. The Cannabis Act protects public health through the creation of strict safety and quality regulations.
CBD oil is made from the cannabis plant (including the hemp variety) and is captured under the definition of cannabis in the federal Cannabis Act, as well as in Ontario’s Cannabis Control Act, and the Cannabis Licence Act, 2018. The sale of CBD oil or any other cannabis-based product, such as seeds or edibles, by an unlicensed cannabis retailer is illegal.
Consumers may only legally buy cannabis products through a licensed retailer. If an unauthorized business sells the products they would be in contravention of the legislation and upon conviction could be subject to a fine of up to $250,000.00. In addition, it is also an offence for a landlord to allow such activity to take place on property that they own and they are subject to the same fines as the business owner.
The Alcohol & Gaming Commission of Ontario is the regulator for licensing private retail cannabis stores in Ontario. Only AGCO licensed cannabis retailers may sell recreational cannabis and they must purchase the products through the Ontario Cannabis Store.
To date the OPS has not charged any business or property owner under The Cannabis Act.
Police probe suspicious person, car
Orangeville Police are investigating a report of a suspicious vehicle and male, after an incident last Wednesday on Amelia Street.
Between 6:30 and 6:45 p.m., a 14-year-old girl was walking on the west side of Amelia toward Hansen Boulevard when the driver of a southbound car honked the horn as it drove past her, then turned the car around and drove northbound, slowing down as it approached her.
The driver’s window was partially down and the driver made eye contact with the girl, who turned around and began walking south. When the car made another U-turn and came to a stop beside her the girl ran to a nearby residence.
The vehicle is described as a white four-door car similar to a Dodge Charger, with tinted windows and the driver as a white male, mid- to late 20’s, with dirty blonde hair slicked back, possibly in a ponytail.
Police are continuing their investigation and would like to identify and speak with the driver.
Anyone having information is encouraged to call the Orangeville Police Service at 519-941-2522 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477) or online at www.crimestopperssdm.com.