October 31, 2024 · 1 Comments
After a day of setting up my Halloween display I dozed off and had a nightmare of sorts. It was about a land with some blue zombies that were lead by a big blue zombie who was created by power, greed and corruption.
He gobbled up forests and farmlands and guzzled the wetlands dry. He stomped on the greenbelt and all the denizens that called it home. Then he crapped out concrete and pavement and spewed out a flatulence of carbon that created huge floods across the land.
He looted and pillaged Science Centres, public places and exhibitions all for a fancy back rub. He stomped on Public Health Care with a joke and a smile. He transformed the schools into crowded poor houses with cheap flimsy portables.
He distracted the meek with propaganda and created alcohol stands everywhere to keep them happy but not so healthy.
He forced hundreds of thousands of the vulnerable, sick and addicted to sleep in dangerous lice and bedbug infested so called shelters. The rest sleep in tents or exposed on cardboard, park benches and under bridges. They existed this way in absolute filth in every city and town across the land.
Without a bat of an eye the blue zombie told them there were living in the best place.
I’m sure glad that was just a nightmare!
In the end I’m sure the people would rise up and boot that greedy corrupt big blue zombie off their land and never let it happen again.
Terry Brooker
Absolutely brilliant and spot on, Terry.
Like minds.