October 7, 2016 · 0 Comments
Walking down Broadway can now be compared to walking through an art gallery.
The winners of Orangeville’s Arts & Culture Committee’s Utility Box Art Display Program – a contest that provides local artists the opportunity to submit unique artwork for installation on utility boxes around town – have officially been chosen and their work as been revealed on utility boxes along Broadway.
The three winners, Sanja Culina, Catherine Howard and Madison Pflance, were announced at the Mayor’s Breakfast for the Arts at the Tony Rose Memorial Sports Centre on Sept. 29 and will receive a prize of $500 each.
Their art pieces are wrapped around utility boxes using a custom vinyl wrap and are located on Broadway at Second Street, Mill Street, and John Street.
The arts-based program is new to Orangeville and aims to celebrate the town’s culture and history, as well as promote Orangeville as an arts and culture hub.
Now, a simple task like crossing the street in Orangeville’s downtown will be an art-filled celebration of local talent.
Orangeville resident Culina’s artwork at Broadway and Second Street is a beautiful mixture of history and culture, created using alcohol inks.
“The whole piece is inspired by Broadway, itself,” she said. “The lamp post details, the sheep’s head, the farmer’s market. This project was all about Orangeville and art.”
The project took the local art teacher three weeks to create, from idea to completion.
“It took a lot of research,” she said. “I went around taking photos of everything around town and a week researching the history of the town.”
The second winner of the Utility Box Art Contest, Ms. Howard, has her work displayed at Broadway and Mill Street.
“I can literally see the bridge and the creek from my studio on Mill Street,” said the Orangeville local. “
I think Mill Street is the lifeblood that stirred the growth in Orangeville – it’s beautiful.”
Ms. Howard has lived all over North America and said Orangeville, where she moved three years ago, is by far her favourite.