July 14, 2022 · 0 Comments
By Paula Brown
The Ontario SPCA Orangeville and District Animal Centre has welcomed three dogs from the United States who are looking for their forever homes.
The three dogs – Prince, Jack, and Maryann – arrived at the local shelter on July 6 from North Carolina, and are part of a re-homing initiative to find loving homes for the dogs in Ontario, while also helping animal shelters south of the border.
“Every animal deserves a loving home and we do what we can to help make that happen when partnering animal organizations reach out for help,” said Dawn Lyons, Manager, Ontario SPCA Orangeville and District Animal Centre. “In addition to finding loving homes for animals here in Ontario, we also help our animal friends south of the border when we have the capacity at our animal centres.”
The Ontario SPCA and Humane Society welcomed 25 dogs from the U.S with the most recent re-homing mission.
In 2022 thus far, the Ontario SPCA has given a new lease on life to more than 150 four-legged companions who were facing uncertain futures due to animal shelters south of the border reaching capacity.
The Ontario SPCA said with 12 animal centres across the province and a successful adoption program that finds homes for thousands of animals annually, they had the capacity to help the dogs.
Before crossing the border, the dogs were vaccinated and underwent both behaviour and medical screenings to help find their forever homes as quickly as possible. Many of them have also already been spayed or neutered.
After settling in from their trip and being cleared for adoptions, the dogs are ready to find their forever homes.
“The team at the Orangeville SPCA really enjoys being part of this program and it’s a wonderful experience to know that we’re helping dogs that need to find their forever homes,” said Lyons.
Animals adopted through the Ontario SPCA are spayed or neutered, vaccinated, treated for parasites, and microchipped.
Those interested in adopting can visit the Orangeville SPCA website at, www.ontariospca.ca/orangeville.