December 3, 2020 · 0 Comments
By Sam Odrowski
Orangeville Council’s request for the Province to ban cross-region travel for DriveTest exams has been fulfilled, following an announcement on November 26.
Residents from locked down regions can no longer travel to non-locked down areas to perform road tests.
Coun. Lisa Post brought the motion forward that requested this change from the Province at last Monday’s Council meeting and noted that 90 per cent of Orangeville DriveTest exams were being conducted with individuals residing in locked down areas.
She told the Citizen she’s grateful for the provincial government’s “fast action” on the matter to protect the safety of local examiners.
“Being bordered by areas that have had to enter lockdown has created unique challenges for many businesses and while there is no perfect sweeping solution, I hope that this is one way we are able to protect our community from unnecessary risk,” said Coun. Post.
The measure to ban cross-region travel for road tests will remain in effect as long as the County of Dufferin stays below the “Grey” (lockdown) level for COVID-19.
“We know that these measures will result in some people experiencing longer wait times for road tests,” said Caroline Mulroney, Minister of Transportation. “However, these are unprecedented times and our number one priority is the health and safety of individuals, families and workers.”
The government said people will not be penalized for cancelling their road tests and will receive a credit in the DriveTest system.
DriveTest centres in the lockdown regions will be open for indoor services, such as knowledge tests, with capacity limits and COVID-19 preventative measures in place. DriveTest clients impacted by cancelled tests may rebook their road test when their region moves to a lower COVID-19 level.