April 4, 2019 · 0 Comments
By Brian Lockhart
Four teams remain standing in the race for the provincial Junior C Schmalz Cup 2019 championship.
As the teams enter their seventh month of the 2018 / 19 hockey season, the grind continues with two semi-final series about to start to determine which two teams will make it to the championship series.
The Alliston Hornets will be up against the Napanee Raiders as the champions from the North Conference meet the East Conference title holders.
Napanee has met Alliston in the semi-final several times over the past few years with Alliston coming out on top every time the teams have met.
The Hornets are two-time Schmalz Cup champions.
In the other semi-final the Grimsby Peach Kings will be up against the Exeter Hawks.
The Hawks came out on top as the West Conference champs. The Peach Kings won the South Division Conference.
The Peach Kings have been strong contenders over the past few years winning the Schmalz Cup in 2003 and 2004 and again in 2011 and 2012.
This is the farthest the Hawks have gotten in the playoffs.
The semi-finals are always a big treat for fans as championship teams face off against other champions with no way of knowing how things will turn out until they are on the ice.