
Jobs In Dufferin online job board a resource for seekers, employers

June 6, 2019   ·   0 Comments

The Dufferin Board of Trade (DBOT) has launched a new members’ portal giving its members the ability to promote their business to the tens of thousands of annual visitors to and through the organization’s social media. This portal will allow members the ability to connect with other members, access exclusive Member to Member discounts, download helpful business resources, share promotions and events, and much more.

One of the key features of this portal is a new online job board. This job board can be accessed through the main DBOT page or via direct link: Since going live mid-May the job board page has seen nearly 5,000 pageviews. DBOT members are invited to post jobs, free of charge, through the members’ portal.

Businesses that are not DBOT members are able to post local jobs for a fee. All jobs posted on the webpage are automatically posted to DBOT’s social media channels.

In the fall DBOT conducted a business needs survey of 127 local businesses. One of the top priorities for 2019 identified by 44% of respondents is to find skilled workers. The new Jobs In Dufferin webpage is one of several tools DBOT is creating to help local businesses achieve their top priorities.

Dufferin and area residents are invited to search jobs available at and to follow DBOT on Facebook @DufferinBot and Twitter @DufferinBiz to see new jobs as they are posted.

For years DBOT has encouraged consumers to #ThinkLocal #ThinkDufferin and now, through, is pleased to encourage residents to #ThinkLocal #Worklocal.

The Dufferin Board of Trade is a community building non-profit organization in its 110th year serving Dufferin County. DBOT contributes to community betterment by helping local business thrive. When local businesses are succeeding the local economy flourishes and businesses can better support local charities, events, and their employees. Learn more at

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