
Community well-being the focus of Headwaters Community in Action event

May 26, 2016   ·   0 Comments

“Measuring community vitality” is the theme of a workshop to be held next Wednesday, June 1, at he Lord Dufferin Centre.

In a news release announcing the event, Headwaters Community in Action (HCIA) said well-being “is a definable and measurable determination of community health and resilience. It is how we identify the gaps and priorities and locate the funds and process to make life better together.”

Together with the Rural Ontario Institute (ROI), HCIA will bring Bryan Smale, Director of the Canadian Index of Well-Being (CIW) and Professor at Waterloo, who will talk about the index and measurement for rural communities. The CIW is the key measurement in the Ontario Trillium Foundation’s funding strategy.

With funding from ROI, HCIA is launching a new project for Measuring Community Vitality as one of eight communities chosen. The project dives into best practices for translating Community Well-Being assessments into on the ground programs and action.

The workshop, which will run from 1 to 3 p.m., will bring together three key components:

• he Canadian Index of Well-Being

• easuring Rural Vitality Project

• eadwaters Community Well-Being refresh results

Those interested in registering should contact Shirley Boxem, Headwaters Communities in Action, at 519-925-0437 or by email

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